9.1 Several regulations determine how financial statements should be …………..
9.2 A business entity is expected to be accountable to their stakeholders, especially the ………..
9.3 Financial statements are about ……… that occurred in a business entity for a past period.
9.4 Financial statements ….. the economic events in a business entity for a past period.
9.5 Financial performance is usually measured in terms of .….. or ……
9.6 ………. refers to the residual interest in the reporting entity’s assets after deducting all its liabilities.
9.7 Expenses are decreases in …….. or increases in ….. that culminate in equity reductions, other than those arising from distributions to holders of equity claims.
9.8 Income represents increases in ……… or decreases in ……… that result in additional equity, other than those arising from contributions from holders of equity claims.
9.9 ...….. are present obligations of a reporting entity to transfer an economic resource due to past events.
9.10 The conceptual framework for ….. describes the objective of, and the concepts pertaining to general purpose financial reporting.